Saturday, October 11, 2008

Weight loss, great abs

Lose weight the correct way. Never skip meals. This is most popular among women who plan to lose weight – crash diet. Crash diet crushes your body too. It will slow down metabolism rate and burn less calories in your natural state. This is because when you skip a meal you go hungry and your body shifts to a famine state. This state of body emergency makes your body store more fats and burn more muscle in the process. The impact is you lose muscle tone and burns muscle for energy.

The meal most people often skip is breakfast. This is also being practice by non dieters as well. They simply don’t find the time to prepare and cook breakfast in the morning so they go to the office without eating anything at all. Remember that your body has functioned for 14 hours or so since supper deprive of food. Our body burns little calories while you sleep. The reason for this is that it takes only little calories to keep up with your basic body function. The trick is to get yourself to doing intensive exercises as you progress. The idea of cardio exercise is to make you puff and pant. This is the most effective way to burn those calories and body fat. Your intensity level must be high enough to burn enough body fat so you may start to lose weight. Reduce body fat results to visible abs. Thickening of the abs is possible only increasing the intensity of your abdominal exercise.

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