Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Flat belly mania

A flat belly and strong abdominal muscles is not only desirable for aesthetic reasons but feels flattering when people turn as you walk past them. The only simple answer to that are walking and a little diet. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Limit your cola drinks and sugar intake. My doctor used to tell me, “even if you see that it is low sugar but because it is sugar… it is sugar.” Right low sugar is still sugar. So if you want to trim down your abs including your weight, take a hike!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Flatten your abs the easy way

Try to flatten your stomach any time at the office while taking a break or even while working as long as you understand how long you hold your belly button. To start, you place one of your fingers on your belly button. Then try to make a stomach in position or move your belly button inward. Move your stomach as far away from your finger as possible. Breathe naturally while holding in your stomach. Hold it for about 5 seconds. Improve your appearance constantly while strengthening your abs and back muscles. This may not burn calories but may help improve your aesthetic condition. I just remember I got this advice from my physical therapist before but didn’t really take it seriously. Now that I am making much research about abs and how to flatten belly I stumbled on this video. Well I still have time. I can do the exercise while I am writing articles and doing my online work can’t I? The secret really is just to do the stomach in each time even while walking.

How To Get A Flat Stomach In Under 9 Minutes

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bicycle exercise for flat abs

Bicycle exercise is one of the great abdominal exercises to give you quick flat abs. Abs exercises helps you tone abs. Stronger abs protects your spine and keeps you healthy. Bicycle Crunch Exercise came in top of the list in the conclusion in one of the researches made by a university in US. This best ab workout moves both the upper and lower abdominal muscles. This is done when the legs move in a bicycle motion and the body is raised into a crunch. This simply ripped abs when the body twists slightly as the elbows meet the knees. An image and a video are provided below to give you tutorials on how to get flat abs.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Belly dance moves for a flatter abs

Belly dancing gives you a lot of benefits than you can imagine. It perfectly shapes your body, gives a little variety to workout fun, enhances self esteem and lets you sweat out while you enjoy dancing to the music. This low impact workout belly dance works on your abs beyond boring sit ups and treadmills. Don’t fret if you don’t know anything at all or your body freezes when you make those graceful moves. I got these videos for you to practice basic movements. After you’ve learned something, then maybe you can join a group or a class to make the exercise more fun. Inquire on dance studios in your area.

You strengthen your abs as you continue to pull in close to your body. Its unique body movements articulate range of dynamic emotional expressions characterize by the quaking, shaking, drops, lifts and great snake like curving patterns. Start to relieve that stress by gaining another health benefit of combination of cardio, flexibility and strength training exercises while gaining that flatter stomach beauty boy-what-a-curve advantage.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Belly dancing for abs workouts

This Oriental dance for seduction is now a fast rising global dance for arms, abs, thighs and legs workout. This great exciting tummy exercise has its health benefits. The movements of hip drops, circles and arms stretch in a gentle, repetitive motion help relieve stress to the back, tone muscles, improve posture and prevents back pain. Belly dance is said to be a low impact form of exercise that could make you feel sexy, lighter and stay healthy. It utilizes certain muscle groups of the body that could give you a perfect stomach exercise and reduce flabs in less time.

Get those fabulous flabs and enjoy the benefits of this dance. This is open to women of all ages who love to work on the muscle groups in the abdomen, pelvis, trunk, spine and neck. Raks Sharki belly dance helps you burn up to 300 calories per hour depending on the intensity of the dance. Now you’ve found a sensible enjoyable seductive form of weight loss program! The movements are very feminine and artistic. Sensual could be a better justification for the dance.

Your body becomes supple and graceful as you progress with your dance movements. Rolling and circling hips promotes a flat tummy and great forming waist curves. A real great abdominal exercise that could tuck your tummy in a couple of weeks! I started mine last night. The CD that I bought is for the arms and abs. It was really great and I felt alive… lol… sexy…. and confident! Bulging waist is never a problem with belly dancing as long as you do it every day. Find a belly dance partner and enjoy the easiest lower ab exercise that could not be compared with any abs exercise equipment. Feel the rhythm, do the dance – belly dance – the great cardio exercise with free fun!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Trim your abs

Get that ab! Exercise and trim those sagging flabs!

Select the appropriate equipment in the least cost to assist you in burning body fats and perfectly shape your abs. Try this tummy trimmer exerciser which gives you an over all toning of your tummy, hips, chest, shoulder, back, posture, arms and thighs. This is an easy to use lightweight can be store anywhere abdominal exercise equipment that compares to the benefit of fat burning rowing activity. This gives you the perfect means to exercise any time, any day and at any place you find convenient to sweat out. Do you want to look sexy? Hit your sagging flabs first.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Shine through

There is a positive effect in looking good and feeling great – confidence! Being beautiful and feeling good helped lots of executives shine through their career. A good reason you are an achiever is that you don’t feel any inhibition with appearance and beauty. You simply know you look your best and that genuine feeling shows and are felt by the people around you. Creativity, intelligence and confidence comprise success but putting your best face forward gets you to places faster!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sassy fashion site

Elegance speaks of taste. Art comes from creativity. Creativity springs out from desires and expressions of self. Mean what you say and wear what you mean! Start that wardrobe change for a whole new sassy you choosing from a great sassy site that will speak of you clearly. Your clothes define you. Your choices create you! Upgrade your market value as a woman and shop right to fashion.net of clothes and accessories that fits you – a woman of simple elegant taste!

Fashion.net sell signature brands online and delivers a real good view of their collections as you go clicking that mouse. Here’s what I got from their site that interest me. The ad that captures taste and imagination – Abercrombie model photo shot! Real body curves and abs! Great find huh!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Google product search

Google product search is in its beta stage. Use this when you search for stuff to buy to facilitate your search and improve your browsing experience. The products here are already categorized and the page further allows you to create your shopping list using your Google Gmail account. So look for those fresh veggies and fruits at Google product search and have them delivered right to your doorsteps. Are you familiar with eBay? This is what it is all about – selling and buying exclusively at Google!