Saturday, March 21, 2009

Strength training

Strength training is popular among people looking to increase muscle mass and body building activities. Strength training uses weights, weight lifting or resistance bands to build muscle and enhance strength. This is fun exercise if you go with your friends and exercise at the gym together. Regular exercise is a powerful stimulus for body adaptation to performance improvement. If a person uses the same training load each time for longer period, no substantial change will occur with the level of physical fitness because there was no additional adaptation as such as increase of training load implemented during the training.

You might not be aware of it but the need for constant increase in training load or exercise intensity is needed for positive adaptation. This will result to better progressive resistance training. If one uses the same exercise and the same training for longer period, there will be a noted decrease in performance improvement. The science and practice of strength training is designed for serious workout maniacs who can understand, remember, and put information to actual practice.

In the general law of biology, people who employ the same training program of the same training load over an extended period of time will decrease performance improvement instead of gain. The response of any biological object to a constant stimulus will result to a significant decrease over time (Zatsiorsky & Kraemer, 2006). This means that you need to consult a fitness expert for your physical fitness program. We can not do anything with reality that is biological. We certainly need more information and techniques on how to make our efforts work out to the maximum.


Zatsiorsky, V. & Kraemer, W. J. (2006). Science and practice of strength training. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics

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